With Amélia Thomas
5G-Survival Expert, Ascension Mentor, Twin Flame Coach, Construction Engineer, Real Estate Agent, Author and Founder of 'The Academy of Life'.
Discover Super Powerful Techniques :
- LEARN from Quantum Technology and Ancestral Traditions.
- TRANSCEND your Earthly Experience beyond all waves...
- ACHIEVE Reconnexion to your True Self and Source !
Impact of waves on Living Things :
A NASA report on the effects of electromagnetic waves from 1981 already revealed possible physical symptoms. We can cite : 'headache, fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system, muscle pain, tinnitus, loss of attention, dizziness, eye inflammation, depression, nervous tension, chronic fatigue etc.'
Today, there are not many studies that could prove that this is, for everyone, without exception and without conditions, dangerous in the short, medium or long term. However, many people suffer from its effects on the Body or Psyche...
Electricity et Electromagnetisme, the Heart of Life :
The Basic Principle of Consciousness is Electric, that of Matter is Electromagnetic. According to Science, Energy is conserved, transformed and does not 'die', Matter is crystallized Energy, everything is movement and... there is an Energy Link between Everything that Exist !
Philosophers, Sages, Mystics and Theologians speak of the Whole, of a Universe in which all things are linked together. This is true inside our Body-Spirit Universe, it is also true outside, even if we have more difficulty feeling connected with external things.
Wave Types and Cumulative Effect :
‘Ionizing Waves’ are distinguished from ‘Non-ionizing Waves’ by their ability to 'Break' molecular bonds. ‘Pulsed waves’ have technical characteristics distinct from ‘Non-pulsed Waves’... And a ‘Carrier Wave’ explains that an Electromagnetic Wave can serve as an ‘Amplifier’. There can also be a ‘Cumulative Effect’ of different Sources of Electromagnetism with food, drug, respiratory or clothing pollution, contributing all together to a decline in Vitality and a fragile Balance…
Impact of waves on Living Things :
A NASA report on the effects of electromagnetic waves from 1981 already revealed possible physical symptoms. We can cite : 'headache, fatigue, exhaustion of the nervous system, muscle pain, tinnitus, loss of attention, dizziness, eye inflammation, depression, nervous tension, chronic fatigue etc.'
Today, there are not many studies that could prove that this is, for everyone, without exception and without conditions, dangerous in the short, medium or long term. However, many people suffer from its effects on the Body or Psyche...
Electricity et Electromagnetisme, the Heart of Life :
The Basic Principle of Consciousness is Electric, that of Matter is Electromagnetic. According to Science, Energy is conserved, transformed and does not 'die', Matter is crystallized Energy, everything is movement and... there is an Energy Link between Everything that Exist !
Philosophers, Sages, Mystics and Theologians speak of the Whole, of a Universe in which all things are linked together. This is true inside our Body-Spirit Universe, it is also true outside, even if we have more difficulty feeling connected with external things.
Wave Types and Cumulative Effect :
‘Ionizing Waves’ are distinguished from ‘Non-ionizing Waves’ by their ability to 'Break' molecular bonds. ‘Pulsed waves’ have technical characteristics distinct from ‘Non-pulsed Waves’... And a ‘Carrier Wave’ explains that an Electromagnetic Wave can serve as an ‘Amplifier’. There can also be a ‘Cumulative Effect’ of different Sources of Electromagnetism with food, drug, respiratory or clothing pollution, contributing all together to a decline in Vitality and a fragile Balance…
So, the Possible Effects of Electromagnetism, All Frequencies Combined can be :
- Heating of cell membranes by excitation using the microwave oven principle
- Action on the intestinal barrier and its consequences on blood quality
- Destructuring of water
- Impacts the hearing and eye system
- Impacts the nervous system and the immune system
- Impacts gene expression and protein synthesis
- Awakening of dormant bacteria
- Acidification-oxidation, conducive to strengthening bacteria
- Release of the hormone ACTH, a stress marker, multiplied by 5 !
- Electrical overvoltage that leads to the melting of myelin, triggering multiple sclerosis
- 80% Drop in melatonin, an anti-free radical, anti-tumor and sleep-regulating hormone
- Decrease in the creation of new neurons increasing the risk of early Alzheimer’s
- Disruption of the neurovegetative system which manages all vital autonomic functions – breathing, digestion, blood circulation, sleep, etc.
- Action on the cell’s mitochondria
- Impaired blood capacity
- Blocking hemoglobin to bind oxygen
- Oxidative stress and free radical production
- Cellular DNA damage and programmed cell death
- Endocrine changes and sperm alteration
- Opening of Calcium Channels allowing an overload of calcium inside the cell
- Increased risk of tumors and cancer
- + 290% of embryonic mortality
- Neuropsychiatric effects, behavioral modification, aggression, depression, suicide attempt
- Internal bleeding
- ...
So You... ... ...
We are all going through a Period of Transition where Technologies seem to evolve faster than our adaptation. It is a period where we are sometimes carried away by external turbulence.
It is then normal for you to feel :
- Weakened physically, energetically and even spiritually
- Invaded by forces that seem stronger than you
- Exhausted from the incessant struggle against this invisible world
- Discouraged in the face of these obstacles
- Disconnected and Uprooted from yourself, from your heart, from your essence
- Scattered because of these chaotic and disturbing waves
- Frustrated and full of despair, no longer believing to be able to overcome this obstacle
These are the signs of atmic disharmony !
Atman is a concept from ancient Indian philosophy. This term has the meaning of Pure 'Consciousness of Being' or Pure 'I Am' and traditionally designates the True Self, as opposed to the ego. Atmic disharmony is therefore a disturbance of the 'I Am' Consciousness, which is the Root of our Being...
Electrosensitivity : Your vibration out of phase with 'Who' you are and 'What' you are experiencing. This gives :
- Creaking as electricity from your Higher Self tries to pass through your bodies
- Energy failure which lastingly affects your development and your health
- Manifestations of anomalies in terrestrial radiation
- Radiation invasion of your body, brain and cells
- Lack of Peace, Harmony and Happiness...
Technical Progress can disturb and titillate us greatly !
Only, everything is a Big Test and tickles us there where we can 'Grow'. Hence the waves can have an 'Educational Effect', namely to confront us with the question : 'Who are we and what are we doing on Earth?'
We all have untapped potential and, we're Lightbeings... So, normally we must be able to go beyond the waves.
It's a matter of knowing what to do.
Do you think you're Electrosensible ?
Get your Checklist Here ! Or Answer the Questionnaire and Fix your Free Call.
Yes, I want my Checklist ! |
I want the Questionnaire & Free Call ! |
Amélia has developped a Super Powerful Method
It is a Unique and Revolutionary Combination of Shamanic Traditions to Fully Incarnate all our Bodies in a Harmonious Way with the World around us. You can discover Ancestral Rituals that will make your Inner Light Shine completely. Add to this Quantum Science with the Zero Point Balance and many other Knowledge and Practices and you have a Totally Holistic approach.
Amélia would like to send you an Optimistic Message that will Transform your Perception of Yourself, your Potential and even your Life Line.
Finish today with Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity !
- Free yourself from your beliefs so that Everything becomes Possible
- Regenerate the Power of your Body, Brain, Cells and Heart
- Harmonize your 5 Bodies ; Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual
- Align your Chakras to achieve Balance between Heaven and Earth
- Increase your Inner Light to activate your Mastery of rays and radiation
- Discover Solar Love which cleanses all lunar influence and promotes Growth
- Experience the Power of Unified Consciousness
- Strengthen your Physical, Spiritual and Karmic Immunity
- Materialize your Quantum Being in order to overcome any interference.
- Develop a Holistic Vision of your existence
- Focus your Energy on your Personal Achievement
- Come out of the limiting matrix that envelops the earth and begin to Flower.
It's Accessible to Everyone and it's You who Decide !
What you need to access this Magic Key is to simply follow the steps of a Logical Process to see that you can truly achieve the Fantastic Result you desire. Consider a little you're applying this Ideal Solution.
See that your Perceptions of the External World become Pure and completely Normal again.
Find your Vitality, your Well-Being, your Inner Peace, your Joy of Living and above all, the Happiness of fully Being who You are !
Yes, '5G Survival' is Possible !
But before that, I want to tell you a story...
With this personal testimony, you will understand the reason why I made this Training. In July 2019, a technician came to the house where I lived to change the WiFi settings. A few days after his visit, my body became seriously ill !
From my head to my feet, everything was on fire. My organs had stop working. My heart was palpitating severely. Breathing was painful and difficult as my lungs seemed to have shrunk. My digestion had become a disaster. My body could no longer retain nutrition. The detoxification function of my liver was blocked. My kidneys were as heavy than two large stones and my veins were clogged (I even had blood clots in the palm of my hand or under the sole of my foot !)
On top of that, I had to deal with the terrible noise of a high frequency sound along with bass sounds like a helicopter was flying over the house 24/7. And all this mixed with the feeling of being constantly in a microwave !
The big surprise was that unplugging the WiFi installation in the house didn't help because I discovered that the radiation from the antenna outside had changed ! Instead of long 360° waves, I got a beam of short wave 'needles' right to my bedroom window...
I thought that changing the supplier would be a solution but... Not at all... Nothing changed... and my body was getting sicker and sicker at a truly astonishing rate !
After three weeks, I could barely walk and found myself lying in bed all the time. The doctors couldn't help me, the therapies worked too slowly because my bodily functions declined much faster than the healing I was receiving. I tried every diet out there. I did some extra mindfulness work, meditation, etc.
Little by little, with all the healing tools I had used, I was able, after 6 long months, to walk again ! From where I came from it seemed like a Real Miracle.
But the road of calvary had not yet ended. While physically I was 75% healed, I had more and more headaches and my concentration became difficult. At one point I could no longer read, write or calculate ! I had to strain terribly and follow every word or number with my finger. It got worse and at one point I felt like I had drunk a whole bottle of whiskey without drinking a single drop !
I think you can imagine this was hell on earth. In addition, given my 'pre' history, I was not able to move within one, two, three from the place I was.
Then, in the summer of 2020, another Miracle fell from Heaven ! It had taken a long time, but I discovered the ‘Functional Status Correctors’ (FSC). I had read all the Science behind this new Technology that uses Scalar Waves. The Correctors work on the Physical Body as well as the Emotional, Mental, Intuitive, Ancestral, Karmic and Atmic Bodies. I had learned that FSCs could work at different levels of our Self, they could Neutralize energetic blockages, Improve bodily functions, Aid in detoxification and even Support personal growth.
And yes, the day I started working with the FSCs, I saw myself coming out of this vicious negative spiral with even more Strength ! I regained my Concentration and the Health of my Body improved a lot. Although I had to continue using other Products and Healing Methods, I can say with certainty that the FSCs gave me a great Boost, the necessary Boost to continue my Scientific as well as Energetic Research.
Finally, it's clear that it was the Totality of all Techniques, Special Products, Ancestral and Shamanic Methods, Affirmation Protocols, Initiations, SupraConsciousnessTheories etc. that helped me to overcome the shock my body had received. I Succeeded and I am Proud of it !
Hence my Mantra which I Highly Recommand is : 'I have Conquered and I will Conquer !'
So once again : Yes, '5G Survival' is Possible !
And You too are Capable of leaving these troubles of your Being behind you !
Become again the Diamond you are ; Strong, Transparent, Bright & Brilliant.
With this personal testimony, you will understand the reason why I made this Training. In July 2019, a technician came to the house where I lived to change the WiFi settings. A few days after his visit, my body became seriously ill !
From my head to my feet, everything was on fire. My organs had stop working. My heart was palpitating severely. Breathing was painful and difficult as my lungs seemed to have shrunk. My digestion had become a disaster. My body could no longer retain nutrition. The detoxification function of my liver was blocked. My kidneys were as heavy than two large stones and my veins were clogged (I even had blood clots in the palm of my hand or under the sole of my foot !)
On top of that, I had to deal with the terrible noise of a high frequency sound along with bass sounds like a helicopter was flying over the house 24/7. And all this mixed with the feeling of being constantly in a microwave !
The big surprise was that unplugging the WiFi installation in the house didn't help because I discovered that the radiation from the antenna outside had changed ! Instead of long 360° waves, I got a beam of short wave 'needles' right to my bedroom window...
I thought that changing the supplier would be a solution but... Not at all... Nothing changed... and my body was getting sicker and sicker at a truly astonishing rate !
After three weeks, I could barely walk and found myself lying in bed all the time. The doctors couldn't help me, the therapies worked too slowly because my bodily functions declined much faster than the healing I was receiving. I tried every diet out there. I did some extra mindfulness work, meditation, etc.
Little by little, with all the healing tools I had used, I was able, after 6 long months, to walk again ! From where I came from it seemed like a Real Miracle.
But the road of calvary had not yet ended. While physically I was 75% healed, I had more and more headaches and my concentration became difficult. At one point I could no longer read, write or calculate ! I had to strain terribly and follow every word or number with my finger. It got worse and at one point I felt like I had drunk a whole bottle of whiskey without drinking a single drop !
I think you can imagine this was hell on earth. In addition, given my 'pre' history, I was not able to move within one, two, three from the place I was.
Then, in the summer of 2020, another Miracle fell from Heaven ! It had taken a long time, but I discovered the ‘Functional Status Correctors’ (FSC). I had read all the Science behind this new Technology that uses Scalar Waves. The Correctors work on the Physical Body as well as the Emotional, Mental, Intuitive, Ancestral, Karmic and Atmic Bodies. I had learned that FSCs could work at different levels of our Self, they could Neutralize energetic blockages, Improve bodily functions, Aid in detoxification and even Support personal growth.
And yes, the day I started working with the FSCs, I saw myself coming out of this vicious negative spiral with even more Strength ! I regained my Concentration and the Health of my Body improved a lot. Although I had to continue using other Products and Healing Methods, I can say with certainty that the FSCs gave me a great Boost, the necessary Boost to continue my Scientific as well as Energetic Research.
Finally, it's clear that it was the Totality of all Techniques, Special Products, Ancestral and Shamanic Methods, Affirmation Protocols, Initiations, SupraConsciousnessTheories etc. that helped me to overcome the shock my body had received. I Succeeded and I am Proud of it !
Hence my Mantra which I Highly Recommand is : 'I have Conquered and I will Conquer !'
So once again : Yes, '5G Survival' is Possible !
And You too are Capable of leaving these troubles of your Being behind you !
Become again the Diamond you are ; Strong, Transparent, Bright & Brilliant.
The Number Eight is considered a Lucky Number
It is the Symbol of Perfection, Infinity and Spiritual and Material Power. There where the goal of the Number Seven is devoted to Investigations into the Unknown, to finding Answers to the Mysteries of Life, the Number Eight will go for the Realization of all Wisdom and Know-How. It symbolizes the World, Here and Now and its Purpose is to Serve Humanity!
The 8 Modules encompass a Total and Holistic Vision. We are working on :
- Energy Rebalancing
- Physical Purification of Symptoms
- The Work of Healing Transgenerational Family Lineages if necessary
- Releasing Core Wounds and Blocking Memories
- Working on Emotional Addictions
- Harmonization of the environment
- The Rebalancing of the Human Being in all his dimensions
- Reconnexion with one's Essence and Source
The Goal is to Understand the Cause of Electrosensitivity.
This allows us to Neutralize symptoms at their roots !
The entire Course of 8 Modules contains as much Video Presentations and Pdf's.
1... This is the 'Elements Module'
In the 1st Module you will learn what is the Basis of all Life in Creation.
This Module represents what is good to Master in this Life. It is therefore the basis of an Expanded Consciousness to be able to go from the Core of your Being to the Source. It activates in the human being all the Elements of the Universe : Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Time, Ether, Sound, Light, Eternity and Infinity. You will already feel like you are in a New Life by applying these Basic Exercises !
2... This is the 'Flower of Life Module'
In the 2nd Module you will know the Source of Life of Creatures and learn that 1 + 1 = 3 !
This Module finds its origin in the Yin-Yang Symbol, in the Flower of Life, the Tree of Life and the Seed of Life. Via Cosmic Laws such as the Golden Ratio, Fibonacci, the Crystalline Spiral, Tesla, the Torus, Kabbalah and many others, it will make the Link between the Earth and Source and will offer you Great Wisdom. This Light of Understanding will consolidate the Foundation of the Previous Module and place you in your Center.
3... This is the 'Detox Module'
In the 3rd Module you will learn that Life can be Emptiness, the Void, Nothingness !
This Module reveals the Secret of Contrasts... Retain, Release, Compression, Expansion,... It will take you into the twists and turns of heavy metals, nanoparticles, bacteria, viruses and more. A whole series of products will be reviewed : Chlorella, Spirulina, Artimesia, Neem and many others. These products are there to support us in our Detoxification process. You will recognize the Awesomeness of everything and understand that '5G Survival' is Possible !
4... This is the 'Consciousness Module'
In the 4th Module you will learn that Life is Concentration, it is 'Focused' Consciousness !
This Module is about things that we can 'Feel'. It will Cocoon you to help you to come to yourself. There are lots of things we can do to Strengthen and Protect ourselves. You will learn EFT, EMDR and much more in this Module which will Boost your Energy and make you Radiate full of Confidence !
5... This is the 'Multidimensionality Module'
In the 5th Module you will learn that Life is Multidimensional !
This Module goes 'beyond' the Senses... It will give you the Solar Initiation, the basis of our Divinity. A Lunar Initiation will give you more Strength and LaHoChi and other Techniques will help Balancing your Energies. Your Physical, Emotional, Mental, Intuitive, Ancestral, Karmic and Atmic Bodies will be able to surpass the Van Halen Belt and even the Matrix. You will receive many Compliments from this phase of evolution !
6... This is the 'Alliance Module'
In the 6th Module you will learn that Life is One !
This Module gives us back our Alliance to the Source. It will provide you with a Power that goes beyond the simple 'Here and Now' and will give the Ultimate Luminosity because the Ascension is done by perfectly Balancing the Masculine and the Feminine. Thanks to this Union you will finally feel Life Totally ! The Doors of Sacred Science will open and the Oval Diamond will be revealed to you.
7... This is the 'Zero Point Module'
In the 7th Module you will learn everything about the Zero Point !
This Module puts us back in our Point of Force, the Zero Point, the Cosmic Core. It will take you out of Maya, the world of illusions and the astral world to be reborn ! You will be able to see the doors of the Supra Consciousness open thanks to the Powerful Protocols. Fusion with your Divine Spark is approaching !
8... This is the 'Eternity Module'
In the 8th Module you will learn that Life is Infinite !
This Module gives us back our Immortality... The Theory of Verticality will help you Reset your Lightbody, your Merkaba ! This is 'the' Final Goal of this Life to ensure the Flexibility of being able to navigate in Full Freedom and to have in hand the Key to go beyond the waves.
Live the Best Version of Yourself ! It's Possible !
What are the Most Immediate Results you will obtain ?
Now, today, this week, in 4 weeks people will believe that you took several weeks of vacation, that you went to a Spa or that you found a new 'Quantum Treatment' hahhaaa. And yes, it's true because you will have already gone beyond the big veil of the matrix containing 'the waves'. You will feel like a Lotus Flower finding its way through the mud to begin to bloom on the surface !
What a Relief ; now you will experience more Peace and Inner Harmony !
What are the Longer Term Results ?
In a few months everyone will see that this is not a temporary solution that you have found. They will see that your '5G Survival' is Permanent and that your evolution does not even stop there.
And even if there are days where you are unable to apply the Training Tips because society has caught you in a harmful cycle, you will know how to rectify things afterwards.
Here are the Results you will achieve, you will :
- HAVE a CLEAR VISION of situations and TAKE your PLACE
You can get this right away and it won't cost you anything !
Instead of continuing to buy products to 'camouflage' the waves, paying for special temporary treatments and seeing that all this only gives a superfluity that must be constantly repeated, you will see that with a little quarter of this large budget you will Bathe Totally in a Beneficial Energy which, in addition, comes from the Interior of your entire Being and is Sustainable !
So, this Training will ultimately bring you Money since now you are wasting a good sum of money each month unnecessarily to buy products which 'relieve' but do not attack the root of the problem. You could use the saved money to do Cool Things. Thanks to the Key that I found, '5G Survival' came within everyone's reach. These are no longer dream thoughts that will pass through your Mind... It will be a Reality ; Your New Reality !
Applying the 8 Training Modules will be like having a 'Magic Wand' in your hand !
Do you already see yourself Relieved, Released and Freed from the Electromagnetic Waves or Wifi ?
Yes !!! It's Possible !!!
I have a Nice Surprise for You !
This Course is Offered with an Intense High-End Coaching during 8 Months.
What will you receive is during this Coaching ?
In this Program I support those who want to leave Electrosensitivity disorders behind them and seek a Normal Life again. During the 8 Months journey we work together as a Group on the Reconnexion of our Being from our DNA to the Source.
This 8-Months Intensive and High-End Program will require a Real Commitment from you at all levels, both to yourself and to your desire to move to another stage of your life.
The Program works on : 'Reconnexion to your Body and your Emotions, Reconnexion to your Value and your Confidence in Yourself, Reconnexion to your Capacity to Transcend shadows into Light, Reconnexion to the Holistic aspect of Life . In this Program we will also work Intensively on the Cleansing of the five wounds of the Soul which are abandonment, rejection, betrayal, humiliation and injustice'.
It is important that you truly feel Ready to make Real Changes in your Life to begin this Process. It is important that you feel that this is 'The' Moment for You to Upgrade your Life, to turn the page on a past of suffering, to take a leap into the void towards a Life that has More Meaning, which is Vibrant and in which you are Free to be fully Yourself. This leap into the void will Transform things within you... and therefore also around you. It is important that you are Aware of this.
With your registration for the 5G SURVIVAL CODE you receive Five Bonuses !
Bonus 1 : The Key Elements
Summary with all the most important points and exercises for a Quick-Reset.
Bonus 2 : Support in the Private Facebook Group
Welcome to the Private Group for Dynamic Coaching & the Group about Electrosensitivity.
Bonus 3 : Monthly Personal Sessions
Monthly 'One-to-One' Coaching of 2 hours with Stages of Mind, Feelings, Thoughts, Bodyreview, Wave Impact Assessment, Latest Developments etc.
Bonus 4 : Weekly Webinars, Lives and Questions/Answers
Weekly Group Interactions of 1.5 hours with Replays to learn from others and discuss our Progress.
Bonus 5 : The Latest New Elements
Discover the Eight Latest New Foundings for the most Indepth Results !
How to Register for the Coaching ?
Press the Button at the bottom which will immediately give you access to the 8 Modules with as much Video Presentations and Pdf's, access to the Private Facebook Groups, to the Monthly Personal Sessions, to the Weekly Webinars & Lives and to the Extra Bonuses.
I will soon explain how you can find Great Relief and feel Reborn. Congratulations !
See you soon on the other side, Amélia
On Top of That, Benefit from a Money-Back-Guarantee !
The Main Advantage of the '5G SURVIVAL CODE' is that in the long term it costs nothing and that it's an Acquired that will give you Benefits throughout your Life !
I understand that you may still feel doubts or hesitate but you can trust me, try and judge for yourself the Fantastic Result you will have obtained by applying these Life Tips.
I myself am so convinced of this Method that I even want to Reassure you with a Guarantee !
The Main Advantage of the '5G SURVIVAL CODE' is that in the long term it costs nothing and that it's an Acquired that will give you Benefits throughout your Life !
I understand that you may still feel doubts or hesitate but you can trust me, try and judge for yourself the Fantastic Result you will have obtained by applying these Life Tips.
I myself am so convinced of this Method that I even want to Reassure you with a Guarantee !
If, after 8 Months, you need more time to obtain the results you want, ... I'll continue the Coaching untill you reach your Goal completely !
And so yes ...
Even if...
... you now think 'I don't have time', 'I don't have money', 'I'm too much of this or that...', 'I don't know what to believe, what to do', or 'It's not for me', you won't have gotten this far in my letter without feeling this Great Desire to find the answer to the '5G SURVIVAL'. Obviously you are interested and you're really looking for a way to no longer suffer and to overcome these waves once and for all ! Otherwise, you would already have left this page for a long time if that would not be the case... So it's time to make a decision.
Arriving here you have two solutions
... or you do nothing but you will continue to see how time speeds up and ultimately, you will not stop looking for the Solution and the Answer to your Questions regarding this Ultimate Science. All this is now simply at your fingertips.
...or you take Action straight away. You no longer want to be confronted with what is a painful reality for more and more people and with the situation that makes your life like hell. But above all, you really believe that the Answer to the Question about '5G-Survival' exists. And if you are still reading, it's because you too would like to Discover and Know this Secret !
How to go this Intensive High-End Coaching during 8 Months ?
Simply Click the Button below and get immediately Access to your Answers or Book your Free Call.
Congratulations with your Choice !
See you soon, Amélia
See you soon, Amélia
Live Webinar about Electrosensitivity
Join us for an Eye-Opening Webinar on Electrosensitivity.
We will unravel the Mysteries of how Electromagnetic Fields can impact our Health and Well-being. Discover Valuable Insights and Practical Tips to Protect yourself in an increasingly wireless world.
Interested in Joining this Live Webinar ?
Join us for an Eye-Opening Webinar on Electrosensitivity.
We will unravel the Mysteries of how Electromagnetic Fields can impact our Health and Well-being. Discover Valuable Insights and Practical Tips to Protect yourself in an increasingly wireless world.
Interested in Joining this Live Webinar ?