The Elite Series
The Elite FSC 'Mysteries of the Universe', released from May 11th 2021 until May 28th 2021.
Find Your Scientific Report on the page below !
Encoded with the Portal of the mirrored date 12-02-2021.
Activates the Balance of Energies of the Internal World of the Human Being with the
Energies of the Surrounding Space and of the Earth.
- Activates in the human being all Elements of the Universe : Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Time (Wood-Tree), Ether (Star(s)), Sound (God), Light (Moon), Eternity and Infinity (The Sun).
- Supports into the Understanding of the multi-dimensionality of the existence, the reality.
- Helps the Brain Structures to rebuild under the demands of modern time.
- Activates sleeping Information Centres of the human being which are connecting him with Higher Consciousness.
- Helps with Powerful Unity with Higher Energies, opens access to receive Knowledge for Saving of the civilization.
- Targeted at global Cleaning of the Human Energy System, removal of programs of destruction, formation of New Positive Programs, targeted at entry into a state of Abundance, in which the human being is able to give away and transmit this Benevolent Energy in favour of others.
- Helps powerful filing with the Energy of Unconditional Love and maximum possible enlargement of one’s Biofield.
- Gives flashes of Insight and activates Creative Impulses.
- Helps activation of Energies of Balance, Equilibrium and Harmony on one’s Internal World with the Outer Space and energy of Earth.
- Helps the Human Being to create for oneself a Better Life in Creative Flourishing and Happiness.
- Increases Intuition, helps the Human Being to escape dangers, to find a way out of crisis situations.
- Helps to go out of most complicated and entangled situations, to find alternative to parting away in problem and toxic relations or will hint how to make inevitable departure less painful.
- Dissolves creative limits that are fettering human being.
- Works at the Improvement of main areas of one’s development: Family life, Work, Business.
- Helps in putting into realization of Benevolent Intentions. For this it is necessary to Highlight Emotionally Positively at the level of one’s consciousness the things that one wants to Attract into his/her own life.
Recommendations on the FSC ‘Mysteries of The Universe’ :
Introduction of the ‘Mysteries of The Universe’ FSC into your life should be gradual, dosed, at the initial period one shall interact with it for some 10-15 minutes. In case you feel powerful flux of energy and information then put the FSC aside for several hours untill the next contact with it, drink some water structured with the FSC Mysteries of The Universe.
The FSC ‘Spring of Life’ helps to active preparation of the user to the introduction and active work with the FSC ‘Mysteries of The Universe’.
In terms of energies this FSC is ‘High Frequency’ and it reveals its individual effect at every user depending on the level of one’s soul consciousness development (consciousness of one’s soul).
Important! When using this corrector one should be in a positive emotional state, one should not wish anything bad to anyone. In case one is low in vibrations (fury, rage, offence and so on) it is better not to take this FSC into your hands in order to escape receiving similar negative in return.
Due to the power of this corrector unexpected help and support (from the source one was not counting at) would come to the human being. This could be also a cleaning crisis, that changes situation for the better.
Health problems would go away into the past, but for this preparation of the physical body is required. One should obligatory use FSCs of basic series (blue, green, lila) in order to help the body to adapt to the new energies.
It is not allowed / good to impose using of this FSC to anyone, it is only possible to share information in order the human being would come to understanding and a desire to use this corrector would appear.
This FSC is needed for users in every corner of the Earth. This is especially true for people whose predestination is serving people. They are mentors of any profile: teachers, healers, spiritual teachers, trainers, social workers, heal restoration sphere workers, those who are engaged in communications, sports, fitness, meditation techniques and practices. They are able to accept and fill themselves with this energy and also to conduct this energy and information to other people, with whom they are communicating and contacting in their lives.
Replication of this FSC took 7 days. At the current moment this is the most high frequency and a ‘long play’ corrector in comparison with all the correctors released previously. The use of the ‘Mysteries of The Universe’ FSC will give you a magic energy kick for acquiring the state of Internal Harmony and Equilibrium, that are adapted to Higher Positive Energies of the surrounding world and the whole Earth.
Polarization of the energy portal, which opened 12-02-2021 is recorded at the FSC ‘Mysteries of The Universe’. (February 12th 2021).
Time of still water structuring is 14 hours.
My best wishes of Peace, Harmony, Love and Abundance for 2021. Wishing that all difficulties are behind us. Be Positive! Concentrate on Positive things that surround You! Pay attention to all that is Positive! Admire what is Beautiful! Energy follows our attention! By this you will support and help the World to become Better!
With kindest regards from Brussels! Amelia