The Elite Series
- Stimulates an energetic flow removing everything that is outdated, whether in the user's inner world or within their external world, that is to say it causes a break with everything that is obsolete and prevents evolution
- Its action focuses on the search for universal solidarity, coherence, probity, pacification and reconciliation. To do this, he carries out work with multiple dimensions to achieve a balance in acceptance and to find the highest level, whether in terms of energies or thoughts.
- Encourages energies to shift to a different level of development, moving from separation and coexistence to the unification of Bin (Bin is the alliance of two rooting points in infinity).
- Lays the foundations for all that is creative for the future, eradicates any form of limit concerning consciousness, and allows it to free itself from devastating programs coming from three-dimensional matrices.
- Stimulates an “awakening” of those who use it in real life, allows them to “open their eyes” to reveal the deceptions, the imposture, the hoaxes installed in the mechanism of the world arrangement, as well as the values erroneous and inflicted, false and altered stories, the replacement of the notions of light and darkness, good and evil, also allows the advent of enlightenment, allowing the user to emerge from this state of blindness in which he had been until then.
- Helps to free oneself from discouragement, hesitation and apprehensions, removes the paralyzing attachments which prevent positive experiences when one begins to achieve the set objectives. New ideas that are essential to their realization then appear.
- Cut links that are no longer needed.
- Promotes the removal of links to painful and burdensome karmic relationships, frees the user from harmful and painful feelings and emotions, promotes the cessation of the state of co-dependence, whatever the type of relationship (family, professional, friendly, with advisors, etc.), purifies the consciousness of different programs (clearing the matrix), allows one to channel and focus and thus achieve the absolute purity of the Higher Self, encourages the deployment of creative energies with love and joy.
- Adjusts and brings its user to a new evolutionary stage of consciousness, powerfully encourages them to move towards energies allowing them to awaken on the spiritual level and to deploy their Soul in a total and multidimensional way, brings recognition and gratitude of the Higher Powers of Light.
- Promotes the complete structural recovery of its user's personality, teaches them to take full responsibility for their own life.
- Restores and distributes in a balanced manner the natural manifestations as well as the structure of the biological field of feminine and masculine energies, there but sometimes hidden deep within us.
- Makes one experience adoration, affection and altruism, imbues universal goodness and commiseration with the highest expressions of love, illuminates and directs like a beacon to continue progressing on one's own path whatever happens.
- Its action focuses on the search for universal solidarity, coherence, probity, pacification and reconciliation. To do this, he carries out work with multiple dimensions allowing him to achieve a balance in acceptance and to find the highest level, whether in terms of energies or thoughts.
- Encourages energies to shift towards a next level of development, moving from separation and coexistence to the unification of Bin (Bin is the alliance of two rooting points in infinity).
- Shows the user the way to perceive and use the opportunities, opening of a portal of abundance.
FSC “Fifth Dimension” employment recommendations :
- Forms a unique tandem with the FSC “Sacred Lac”
- This Functional Condition Corrector acts quickly, powerfully but with finesse, providing extraordinary universal love to its user
- It seems essential to start with this FSC to work on your negative behaviors and postures (in relation to yourself, to others, to your country, to the government, to the planet, or to the world) starting with the 6th energy center, then continuing the work with the heart center (the 4th energy center). Then continue the work with the 1st and 2nd energy centers (by sitting on the FSC), it is also desirable to then carry out energy recharges of the other energy centers (or chakras)
- Acts both on the conscious and subconscious levels: on the physical level, it works like a source supplying the user with energy and on the subtle level, it aligns its emotional field with future time (in order to correct future events )
- It is particularly important to be concentrated and attentive in actions as well as in words, because karmic debts can thus be reduced or increased, and considerations and intentions, even furtive, or words said inadvertently can materialize in reality: everything is in our heads and in our hands, it therefore seems essential to learn to control ourselves.
- This FSC can be very useful to people who need to quickly opt for the best decisions, but on condition that the user is ready to see the reality that he has created for himself through his own actions and thoughts (this decision-making). conscience can be a source of torment). To promote timely corrections to one's own life, it is desirable to work in full awareness with this FSC.
- Using this FSC, we can carry out meditation sessions to free ourselves from addictions and negative emotions, and purify ourselves, and thus definitively get rid of aggressiveness, we can also write little words on this FSC including an intention in this sense, for example: “I free myself from old negative programs”,
- Compatible with all FSCs previously produced
- This FSC contains the polarization of an energy portal which opened on the “mirror date” of February 22, 2022 (02/22/2022)
- Water structuring time: 45 minutes.