The Exclusive Series
- Promotes awareness of the integrity of the world and the relationship of all systems of life
- Fills with understanding and promotes recognition of ancestral roots, acceptance of your past, gaining support and strength of ancestors
- Aimed at the revival and development of spirituality, increasing awareness, gaining wisdom
- Helps you realize your purpose
- Promotes the process of knowing oneself as an integral personality, awareness and acceptance of one's goals and objectives
- Helps to fill the inner source of strength, open up opportunities to manifest your highest potential - spiritual and physical
- Promotes harmonization and vision of new perspectives in all spheres of life: personal, professional, material, spiritual
On the FSC “RELOAD. FILLING "the polarization of the" place of power "of the 2nd grotto of the Path of the Ancestors (Khakassia) is prescribed .
There is a place in Khakassia where every person who is looking for the innermost meaning of life should visit - this is the Path of the Ancestors or the Path of Shamanic Power. The ancient name of this unique rock massif located along the Bely Ius River is Togys Az, which means Nine Mouths. Indeed, if you look from the opposite bank at the one along which the trail passes, you can see 9 large grottoes that look like open mouths. Here archaeologists have found the oldest human sites in the caves in Siberia, more than 24 thousand years old. The ancestors came to the Path to worship the Gods and Spirits that inhabited the numerous grottoes here. In the caves there are drawings, the only ones in Khakassia, made with ocher, their age was determined by scientists - it is 4-4.5 thousand years.
The Trail of the Ancestors is conditionally divided into 7 sectors, which symbolize the birth and formation of a person's personality. The passage along this path in the sacred sense corresponded to the passage of the initiate along the path of Knowledge, this is the path of knowledge throughout life. Someone will be satisfied with superficial knowledge, while someone will go through the entire path of life and gain wisdom.
The FSC “RELOADED. CLEANING "and" RElOADED. FILLING "- paired, applied consistently and interconnected with each other.