The Exclusive Series
- Promotes the rapid restoration of the body's energy balance and physical strength
- Promotes the restoration of the immune status by restoring the functions of the thymus gland
- Provides general rejuvenation of the body in combination with the FSC "DANILOVO LAKE"
- Has a powerful bactericidal effect
- Promotes a systemic healing effect on the body
- Promotes an increase in the duration of an active life
- It has a beneficial effect on animals and plants - increases adaptive capabilities to aggressive environmental conditions, improves vegetative properties, increases plant productivity and animal fertility many times over
Polarization of water from the Hidden Lake is registered at the FSC " Hidden Lake".
In the Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region, there is a place known throughout Russia. This is a small village with the modest name Okunevo. Not far from the settlement, there are four well-known lakes far beyond the Siberian region: Danilovo, Linevo, Shchuchye and Urmannoye (Shaitan Lake). According to local beliefs, there is also a fifth - the Hidden Lake, which does not allow everyone to approach.
Five lakes are surrounded by legends. Scientists say that Okunev lakes could well have appeared from the fallen meteorite fragments. This hypothesis is confirmed in the form of lakes (they are all elongated in the same direction), and their depth. Among other things, magnetic anomalies, seismic vibrations and other oddities are observed here.
The hidden lake, according to legend, is located on the right bank of the Tara, about 250 meters from the coast. They say that it has the shape of a regular circle and is very shallow. Translated from Sanskrit, an ancient Indian language that has been out of use for many centuries, the word Tara means "saviour", according to another version - "star". The oldest underground structures discovered in the Omsk region are somehow incomprehensibly connected with India.
The water of the Hidden Lake is considered the most salubrious of all five lakes. According to local legend, the addition of this water to the water of the other four lakes cures all diseases.
Mikhail Rechkin, a well-known researcher of anomalous natural phenomena, journalist, writer, organizer and coordinator of scientific expeditions to study the unique Okunev energy phenomenon, spoke about the Hidden Lake as follows: “The energy potential of the water from the Hidden Lake is several times higher than the water in Danilovo Lake! To increase life expectancy, you can mix and drink water from these two lakes. "