The Blue Series
- Helps normalize the work of the male endocrine system and restore hormonal levels
- Increases testosterone levels, enhances potency
- Normalizes the microflora of the intestine and male genital area
- Restores metabolism, normalizes the production of enzymes
- Accelerates metabolic processes, the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates
- Helps to burn excess subcutaneous and internal fat, reduce body volume, reduce weight
- Contributes to the normalization of appetite
- Normalizes the state of the central nervous system
- Restores a physiologically healthy and full sleep
- Provides a surge of strength and energy
- Helps stop uterine bleeding in women
- Increases stress tolerance and adaptation to adverse external factors.
- Prevention and assistance in the treatment of a wide range of diseases of the male genital area
At FSC, the polarization of various images is registered: a drug from shark liver to raise testosterone levels; toptun, Altai grass to raise testosterone levels; Jerusalem artichoke for the normalization of pancreatic activity in diabetics; Kudin, the polarization of Chinese tea from alpine plantations about. Hainan; ginger, pineapple, thistle, Caucasian hellebore, dragon fruit (Thailand), pomelo (Thailand), modified imminov, anti-cellulite 1 (a comprehensive theme for burning subcutaneous fat), anti-cellulite 2 (a comprehensive theme for burning internal fat); cosmetic tea, relaxant, a comprehensive theme to accelerate cell regeneration; topic from psychopathogenic effects.
The ARIA MAYA Space Theurgy channel has been registered - to normalize metabolism and get rid of excess weight.