The Blue Series
- Designed to activate all cosmetics that belong to the category of cleansers, regardless of skin type and age group - cleansing lotions, makeup removers, peels, etc.
- Provides deep cleansing, whitening, nourishing and moisturizing the skin
- Regulates moisture content in tissues and prevents skin dryness while drinking
- Normalizes microcirculation in the body
- Harmonizes the work of the adrenal glands
- Through the restoration of the hyaluronic acid quality of the vitreous humour of the eye (eye drops), it helps to restore vision in cataracts
- It has anti-inflammatory, soothing and healing effects, reduces skin irritation
- Removes light skin pigmentation
- Stimulates collagen production, prevents skin ageing and prevents wrinkles
- It stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, which has a positive effect on all connective tissues, including cartilage
At the FSC, the polarization of water activated on the small spiral of Mount Love and the Rejuvenation ledge (Mount Shamanka) on Arkaim is registered; polarization of various images: cordyceps mushroom, ceramides, wamelis verginsky extract, lanolin, tsimitsifugi extract, allantoin, vegetable bioregulator, pomegranate juice, vegetable oncoprotector, fish collagen, marine algae, polysaccharides, vitamin E (tocopherol).