The Methods Used are Universal, Holistic, Intercultural, Interreligious, Shamanic and Scientific. They therefore borrow elements from several systems which makes them Eclectic.
The Energies applied are of Cosmo-Telluric origin and the Consciousness is brought to the Zero Point in order to reach what is called Supraconsciousness or Pure Beingness. And to continue all that rhymes with it, the Methods ultimately aim for Immortality and Eternity, which is linked to 'breaking out of the old matrix or old paradigm' to make place for Ascension. And no, Ascending is not 'going up to heaven' but rather Transmuting the Body so that our Higher Self can Merge there with our so-called Terrestrial Self. This means the Ultimate Balance of the Masculine, Yang and the Feminine, Yin in Ourselves. This means becoming an Accomplished Being. I've called the Methods Used, based on the several Lifeforces : 'Dynamic Reconnexion'.
The Energies applied are of Cosmo-Telluric origin and the Consciousness is brought to the Zero Point in order to reach what is called Supraconsciousness or Pure Beingness. And to continue all that rhymes with it, the Methods ultimately aim for Immortality and Eternity, which is linked to 'breaking out of the old matrix or old paradigm' to make place for Ascension. And no, Ascending is not 'going up to heaven' but rather Transmuting the Body so that our Higher Self can Merge there with our so-called Terrestrial Self. This means the Ultimate Balance of the Masculine, Yang and the Feminine, Yin in Ourselves. This means becoming an Accomplished Being. I've called the Methods Used, based on the several Lifeforces : 'Dynamic Reconnexion'.